Founded in Rennes (France) in 2000, RegionsJob is the leader on the French market for recruiting, employment and career services. RegionsJob developed regional websites dedicated to job and training which ensure a good coverage of the French territory. Every month, 500,000 job applications are submitted for 27,000 jobs advertised on average on their platform.
Expert on recruiting and training matters, RegionsJob is also a pioneer in implementing web technologies into the work industry. This approach aims at providing ever more efficient services to candidates as well as HR professionals.
RegionsJob uses InterviewApp to support their sales team in the assimilation of their internal training and to help them improve their sales pitch for customer calls.
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The Challenge
Needs identified
The performance of sales teams depends, among other factors, on the ability of RegionsJob to deliver a sustainable training i.e. to ensure that sales teams don’t forget everything after training sessions. As for now, training is provided by business unit managers (product experts). Afterwards, RegionsJob needs to make sure that the information given during training sessions has been correctly assimilated and that the 80 RegionsJob sales are able to address any questions asked by their clients on a daily basis.
Solutions tested in the past
RegionsJob has tried several methods to ensure a proper assimilation of the internal training by their sales teams. One of them was to ask sales teams to prepare a customer presentation they then had to defend before a panel of experts of the topic covered internally, either face to face or by phone/video conference.
This method had several major problems. First, it required a large upstream coordination work to bring together sales teams and the staff supposed to assess the presentations. Moreover, it was impossible to systematize this approach for 80 sales over time, for the reasons mentioned above. Hence, this method was abandoned.
“With InterviewApp, we are able to abolish the distance between our sales teams at our headquarters and the ones who operate from our regional branches.”
Use of InterviewApp
Every Monday, two questions are sent via the RegionsJob Internal Social Network to sales teams (80 sales people, including the sales director). They are encouraged to reflect and discuss the best answers for these two questions. The following Monday, 10 sales people are randomly selected to record their video responses to these two questions. On Tuesday, the expert of the product in question in the interview records on InterviewApp the answers that were expected. This model of video responses is shared to all sales people through the Internal Social Network. As for the 10 people who have recorded their answers on Monday, they receive feedback from the expert on possible improvements to their customer pitch.
“Our sales teams operate all over France. With InterviewApp, it’s finally easier to connect to our sales teams based in our regional branches. (…) In the context of this exercise, every video is reviewed and the sales person who recorded their video responses receives a personalized feedback from their manager as well as the expert of the product in question in the interview.”
Involvement of all the sales teams
The solution, as implemented by RegionsJob, facilitates an exchange between sales people who join the game of the Monday random draw. Everyone feels involved. Sales people appreciate the exercise. Better, they are now involved in the creation of the interview templates. Indeed, they report to their managers the difficult questions they have been facing on the field. These questions, once grouped by theme, are integrated in interviews on other Mondays.
A time-saver
The simplicity of the process enables people selected to spend minimal time on the video responses. A mere 5 minutes are necessary to complete the exercise.
Abolition of distance between headquarters and regional branches
Above all, the one-way video interviewing solution offered by InterviewApp allows RegionsJob to involve in the training process sales teams from all over France, whether based at headquarters or in other regional branches, on an equal basis. One-way video interviews abolish the distance between headquarters and the regional offices and give RegionsJob the opportunity to better reach and engage sales teams throughout France.
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About RegionsJob
Rennes, France
Recruitment, Employment & Career services in France
RegionsJob, the No. 1 of recruiting, employment & career services in France, support candidates throughout their careers, companies on their HR issues and training centers on the value of their offerings.
The RegionsJob group publishes: and, the employment services specialists of Regions and of Ile-de-France;, expert in vocational training;, career service for experienced managers and executives and, the reference website for web professionals giving them access to: resources, tools, decryption, news and job offers.