EM Normandie
Founded in 1871, EM Normandie is one of the oldest French business schools. It welcomes 5,000 students across five campuses: Caen, Le Havre, Paris, Dublin and Oxford.
With its Smart École, EM Normandie offers innovative learning approaches. Student can interact with teachers, work on collaborative tasks, create shared resources and develop their project management skills. Moreover, EM Normandie facilitates the professional integration of its students during their academic stream. It also helps them develop and grow their own structure through the InsiDE incubator.
EM Normandie uses InterviewApp to better prepare its students for their professional integration.
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The Challenge
Accompanying students from 1st year to Master 2 in designing their professional project, in particular by working on their soft skills. Indeed, social skills of candidates are major and differentiating criteria in the recruitment process.
“We offer a multimodal course, and it was essential for us to integrate the digital learning, since it is also a reality of the market.”
Use of InterviewApp
EM Normandie wants to give their students the opportunity to prepare for future job interviews by offering in-person workshops as well as group and individual coaching sessions. Thus, InterviewApp allows students to train to answer interviews prior to their coaching sessions.
The interview simulator has been integrated to the SchoolBox of EM Normandie. This way, it can be used by students, at anytime. They can train as many times as they need. They also can save the customized video interviews they recorded in order to review them and detect potentiel areas for improvement.
During in-person coaching sessions, students receive feedback regarding their posture, their ability to introduce themselves via a pitch, to communicate and to answer questions efficiently.
“Student appreciate being able to train as many times as they need, whenever they want, to upload their video responses and to receive feedback they analyse in group sessions.”
This initiative is part of the Smart École and also of a reverse learning approach. InterviewApp gives students the opportunity to be better prepared than their future competitors to future recruitment methods as well as having a clearer mind on their career plans. Coaches accompanying students are also taking advantage from a complementary tool which helps them save time and be more efficient.
Training regularly helps students confront the realities of the market and be prepared for the new exercises they will face soon: remote video interviews sent by companies.
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About EM Normandie
Business School
École de Management de Normandie is a leading French Business School that was created in 1871. Its 5 campuses are based in Caen, Le Havre, Paris, Dublin and Oxford. EMN has earned:
- a national recognition through visa and Master’s degree for the EM Normandie “Grande Ecole” program
- an international recognition with the AACSB and EQUIS certification and the BSIS, CGE and CEFDG labels.