With 4,600 employees in 850 branches, Adecco France is the leading French segmented network of staffing agencies. In 2015, Groupe Adecco France placed 130,000 temporary workers in their 31,000 corporate customers on average per week. This network also helped them recruit 15,000 candidates on permanent or fixed-term contracts on behalf of their customers.
Adecco uses the InterviewApp Simulator to better prepare candidates for their future interviews in front of their customers-recruiters.
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The Challenge
Groupe Adecco France is very attentive to solutions that can help in its action in favor of professional integration. It particularly aims at:
- Increasing candidates awareness of the importance of ” soft skills ” in their application;
- Developing the soft skills of candidates accompanied by Groupe Adecco France;
- Helping candidates get familiar with new recruitment techniques, including the use of video in the recruitment process;
- Training candidates to answer spontaneously and efficiently to questions that may be asked during a job interview.
The purpose is to bring to customers-recruiters candidates that are better prepared.
The Adecco teams have been impressed by the InterviewApp Simulator because they saw it as a tool to help candidates improve on all the points mentioned above.
This view has also been recalled by Christophe CATOIR, Chairman of Groupe Adecco France, to 4,000 visitors, including many representatives of the European economy and politics, at the 16th edition of the Economic Forum of Aix-en-Provence.
“InterviewApp is an example of innovation empowering personal skills.”
Use of InterviewApp Simulator
The integration of the InterviewApp Simulator on the brand new website is effective since June 2016 and is highlighted on the homepage of the Adecco website:
Candidates who want to train to take online video interview first land on a page dedicated to this practice module and specially created for them by Groupe Adecco France. There, a didactic illustration explains why Adecco gives them access to the simulator and how to use it best.
Once candidates understand the concept and click ” Je fonce, je fais le test”, they have the opportunity to train with the simulator as many times as necessary. The team Adecco France has prepared for them a base of 150 questions. Each new video interview is unique because it comprises of 4 questions drawn randomly from this database of 150 questions. At the end of each simulation, candidates have the opportunity to review and upload the video responses they have recorded through our application.
“The InterviewApp Video Interview Simulator is very easy to use. And it is also a comprehensive tool as we offer more than 150 questions to practice! Our Internet users can train as often as they want and get better prepared for our customers-recruiters.”
The launch of the InterviewApp Simulator on was a success. In the first hour, more than a thousand people were connecting simultaneously to better prepare for their future interviews. In addition to the enthusiasm generated by our tool, this demonstrates that InterviewApp has a server-based architecture enabling us to cope with rapid load increases.
Each person going through our simulator has the opportunity to:
- ask oneself the right questions regarding their profile and career;
- prepare answers to questions that may be asked in future interviews;
- correct their potential awkwardness of speaking;
- be aware of their body language and eventually try to improve it.
The Adecco video simulator is therefore part of a bigger approach which consists in improving the employability of candidates who browse the Adecco website. Mission accomplished!
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About Groupe Adecco France
Villeurbanne, France
Network of staffing agencies
French subsidiary of Adecco Group, the world leader in human resources solutions, Groupe Adecco France is the first segmented network of staffing agencies in France. Groupe Adecco France puts its expertise at the service of sustainable employment through its 4,600 employees in 850 branches in 2015.